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My Story of becoming a Medical Intuitive & Spiritual Mentor

By Michal Spiegelman

“So what’s your book about?”

I stared at the medium, confused. I’d booked an appointment with her as my birthday gift in July. I wasn’t sure if I’d heard her correctly, so I said, “Excuse me?” “What’s your book about?” she repeated. I was stunned. “I don’t have a book,” I told her, “I’ll probably write one when I retire.”

She looked surprised. After reminding me that the messages she shared were not coming from her but through her, the medium told me that my book was supposed to have been written already. She also said to me that I’m incredibly intuitive, which didn’t surprise me.

“You are a medical intuitive,” the medium said, “So why aren’t you calling yourself that?”  

As she continued channeling messages for me, I suddenly understood. The intuitive healing process I developed is not only powerful, but also unique. The message I received through the medium is that the time has come for me to become more visible, share my unique healing approach with more people, and own my superpower fully. She also encouraged me to include “Medical Intuitive” in my title. It was time.

I took a few weeks to process the messages from the medium. My intuition spoke louder than ever before through my Reiki practice, vivid dreams, and insights that came to me while swimming.

I knew on a deep soul level that it was time to step into my sacred calling at full power.

My ability to offer spiritual guidance and help people heal trauma from an intuitive place allows me to serve as a Beacon of Change. I am devoted to offering a vibration of lovingkindness to the world. My mission is still and will always be to empower women to live, love, and lead at full power.

Owning the title “Medical Intuitive & Spiritual Mentor” is an honor for me.

Though I’m embracing the title now, I’ve been a Medical Intuitive for many years.

The Beacons of Change Method of healing and spiritual growth, our manifesto, our Reiki Training, The Journey into Your Soul healing experience, my signature Women of Wisdom workshop, and other processes and tools I carry in my invisible medicine bag are serving me and others every day.

I know how to use my gifts. I already do. The next step is to be brave, bold, and more visible by sharing my story and healing wisdom in a book (yes, I’m planning to write a book; more on that later).

I’m not a traditional medical intuitive. I take a holistic approach to health and wellness.

A typical medical intuitive gives you a reading and then advises you to continue your healing work with other professionals. With my background as a social worker, certified life coach, and Reiki Master trained in a wide range of healing modalities, I help you get to the root source behind your physical symptoms, stress, and trauma-related conditions. And then I help you heal. My approach is holistic.

This is My Holistic Health Philosophy:

  • All disease has physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual component.
  • Leaking life force and unaddressed trauma is at the core of many conditions.
  • Conventional medicine saves lives and should always be used first.
  • When traditional treatments aren’t helpful, we look deeper for the root cause.
  • The longer it takes to develop conditions, the longer it takes to heal them.
  • The journey back to wellness means observing the body as a whole.
  • Healing the present is just as important as healing the past.

Let’s dive deeper into this philosophy

I believe that past trauma is stored in the body and creates disharmony and “dis-ease.” This does not imply that all diseases don’t have a physical cause. However, it does imply that underlying causes make us more vulnerable to getting sick at certain times.

Protective parts of our inner selves will do whatever they can to keep us from connecting to painful emotions and memories from the past. The body stores or holds information that not only relates to physical conditions but also to emotional, spiritual, and mental dis-ease. Over the years, the energy we carry from the past can create imbalance.

Many people suffer from illnesses that do not respond to traditional treatments, like autoimmune diseases, chronic pain, fatigue, anxiety, and depression. Since the body “keeps the score,” it’s critical to observe the person as a whole, including emotions that are trapped in the tissues. My personal experience, natural gifts, and professional skills allow me to guide my clients through a holistic physical, emotional, spiritual, and energetic healing process. 

Once past trauma and trapped emotions are released, situations that used to trigger the person in the past either no longer trigger them or trigger them less, leading to better health and wellbeing.

I believe we must heal the present in order to heal the past. Traditional trauma healing methods focus on desensitizing the traumatic event. While “re-exposing” the wounded person to their trauma can take away the sting and reduce flashbacks, more and more trauma experts also recognize the importance of healing in the present moment.

When I guide women through healing trauma, I take them on two parallel journeys.

One path addresses the traumatic experience in the past, and the other path helps them live a meaningful life at the moment. Bringing purpose to our pain and learning its spiritual lessons contributes to our healing of the past, present, and future.

The Journey into Your Soul is my signature intuitive healing process that has empowered thousands of women to heal and reclaim their lives. Coaching and mentoring women to work through their fears, improve their health and reconnect with their confidence has always been my passion.

The Journey into Your Soul: A 3-Step Process for Holistic Healing

Step 1: The Journey

During this 90-minute session I clear your energy field and elevate you physically, mentally, and emotionally. Next, I take you through deep meditation and guided visualization, allowing you to receive spiritual guidance from your soul. Then, we work together as a team to identify areas in your body where emotions are stored that might be contributing to chronic pain or disease. Using a specific technique I developed, we release the trapped energy that doesn’t serve your body and soul anymore. The whole process is guided by divine light, wisdom, and intuition.

Step 2: Your Wisdom Statement

Once your energy field has been cleared, we use ancient feminine wisdom oracle cards to add more clarity. The messages that come through the cards you choose illuminate areas of your overall health that need more attention. At the end of your session, I break down the information that came through into one clear Wisdom Statement to provide you with a tangible way to connect with and live by the collective wisdom you received.

Step 3: Follow-Up & Spread Your Wings

Two weeks after we journey into your soul, I’ll invite you to meet me again. We’ll evaluate what went well, what needs improvement, and what has changed since your original journey.

After taking the Journey into Your Soul, most women feel elevated, lighter, and at peace. They have more clarity and direction on their path, as if their soul spread her wings to guide them. It becomes naturally easier to stay true to themselves. If additional healing is needed, they welcome it with ease.

Unlike a traditional medical intuitive, my goal isn’t to tell you the source of your pain and then tell you to continue your healing elsewhere. When we journey into your soul, I partner WITH you to receive intuitive messages, identify where past trauma and emotions are stuck in your body, and release them during our session.

In this holistic approach, we observe your body from a physical, emotional, spiritual, and energetic lens to assess the full spectrum of your health. 

My appointment with the medium on my birthday left me forever changed. She helped me realize that I’ve been a Medical Intuitive all along-I just needed the courage to own the title. On a deep soul level, I knew it was time to step more fully into my healing gifts, write my book, and share how transformational a Journey into Your Soul with me can be.

If you’d like to learn more about taking a Journey into Your Soul, click here.

Thank you for reading my story about how I finally embraced my gifts and stepped fully into my power. I’m honored to help you step into yours!

Intuitively Yours,


Meet Michal
Michal Spiegelman

Michal Spiegelman is Medical Intuitive who helps women get to the root source behind disease, disharmony, imbalance, stress, and trauma-related conditions.

Having studied in Israel, Germany, England, and the U.S., Michal is a Certified Professional Coach, a Reiki Master, and a former social worker who brings years of experience working with a variety of modalities into her intuitive teachings, coaching and mentoring.

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